Jazz on the Patio

Level: All | Age: 6 + | Typical Time: 17:00 - 21:30 | Average Price: £10.00

Quick Event Information

Level: All
Age: 6 +
Typical Time: 17:00 - 21:30

Average Price: £10.00

Average Member's Price: £10.00

Typical Number on Event: 40

Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:1

The instructors were knowledgeable and helpful:

50% Agreed or Strongly Agreed

The programme was well structured and met my needs:

50% Agreed or Strongly Agreed

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Survey results taken from automated participant surveys.

Event Summary

Jazz on the Patio

Come and enjoy a meal with relaxing jazz playing in the background and watch as the sun sets over Bury Lake!


On the 3rd of September, come down to BLYM for an evening meal where you can enjoy music and socialise with like-minded sailors! Adult prices are £10, and childrens' prices are £7. Come along any time from 17:00.

Event Dates

Apologies, there are no dates currently available - we can notify you when dates are published if you fill in your details below.

Integrated Management System v1.9.0. Designed By Ben Constable (benconstable.dev) with Graham Thomas.

Bury Lake Young Mariners
Rickmansworth Aquadrome
Frogmoor Lane